Mood Food

Burger King just introduced “Real Meals”, a campaign that allows people to choose menus based on their (bad) mood. Seen as a dig at McDonald’s Happy Meals and social media’s portrayal of perfection, Burger King’s limited editions don’t shy away from reality, offering meals when [being pissed, sad or not giving a f***].

Society and human behavior are messy, and research shows that not showing up perfect and polished leads to higher appeal and likability among shoppers. Brands are starting to accept this principle, from Diesel’s “Go with the flaw” to Carlsberg’s most recent “Probably not the best beer in the world.” Accepting the mess of real life and honestly addressing (and solving) this in marketing can make brands more human, appealing and ultimately the preferred choice among shoppers.

Contributed by: Lukas Quittan and Genevieve Dreyfus, Integer London

Image Source: Unsplash